Monday, October 20, 2014

Majority of Americans are saying they are in favor of restricting entry to the United States to people from countries who are hardest hit by the Ebola virus. Ninety- one percent of adults said they want "stricter screening of people entering the United States who have been in African countries affected by the outbreak". 33 percent also think " the United States is doing all it reasonably can do to try to prevent further cases of Ebola here, while 64 percent say it should do". Concern about Ebola is highest among lower income Americans and the higher income Americans. The author intended audience is people who are worried about the Ebola virus and how they can stop it from spreading. I agree with the author about restricting entry to people who have been to affected countries, but if we are going to restrict people from entry to the United States then we need to find a solution on how to help them with the disease. Most of the countries who are hit by the virus don't have the medical needs to help their people fight the virus or even prevent it from spreading from one person to the other.If we are going to restrict people from Africa to the United States then we need to help them find a cure to the Ebola virus.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

"Public education is a major talking point for Texas' gubernatorial and lieutenant gubernatorial candidates during their races". Politicians generally focus on funding, rather than focusing on improving education. Legislators should focus on finding methods to improve education without spending huge amount of money.The author's intended audience are parents, teachers,and politicians. The author gave some suggestions on how parents need to get more involved in their children's education and teachers need to have a larger role in determining how the state allocates its budgets for schools. Improving education is important and i agree with the author, because if politician don't stop focusing on money and winning their race, our education in Texas will go downhill and it will cause thousands of children to be illiterate and walking in the street of Texas. If we want our children to be great in the future and become lawyers, doctors,teachers etc.. then politicians need to stop caring for themselves and their race  and start  caring  about improving Texas education.