Wednesday, November 19, 2014

      I'm commenting on ID-Mania and i agree with this student in not providing an IDs or identification cards to vote,  purchase alcohol, and  cigarette as long as the person can prove that they are legal to vote and are citizens of the United States. Going to the DPS just to have a identification card  takes a long process and it requires you  to pay for it. In my country as long as the person looks older to vote, they are  not required to provide a identification card to vote or purchase alcohol and if  he or she is asked it can be a form of disrespect. Everyone is required to  register to vote before even voting for the candidate they like , so the government should be able to know who the person claim to be since you have to use your social security to register. There should be other ways  to vote like  using your social security number, or the government can provide other ways  for people who don't have IDs to vote. Every citizens' should be able to vote with or without identification cards.

Monday, November 3, 2014



            Guns are dangerous weapons that shouldn’t be allowed on college campuses. If all citizens are allowed to use concealed weapons on campus, it would cause a lot of students shooting each other every day. Giving guns to citizens would be like giving a dog a cat to play with although you know that they don't like each other. In today’s society, most citizens who carry guns are not in good health condition, and most citizens are not trained to shot guns.

                Most adults don’t know their health conditions, if they are mentally stable to carry a gun on school premises or not. If the legislature passes the law for citizens to carry weapons on college campuses it will enable people who are mentally ill to carry guns at school. This will put other students life’s in danger. Adults who are mentally sick sometimes don’t know what they are doing and may even shot a student in class without knowing that they have shot a human being. Adults who are mentally ill are dangerous to students, teachers and other citizens. Having concealed guns on college campuses would make campus police job difficult for them to do their job and prevent students from hurting or fighting each other. For instance, if one or two students are fighting each other in a parking lot and one pulls a concealed gun to shot the other it will be difficult for the police to stop them, because he/she will be scared of getting shot at. Passing the law for citizens to carry weapons in school will only increase and not decrease the death rate in Texas.