Friday, December 12, 2014

Banning texting while driving is a good idea, but will it stop people from using their phones to text?the answer is no, just like drinking and driving is illegal, but there are stubborn citizens who still drink and drive. Most citizens like me don’t know that, starting from January it is illegal to text and drive.  If the new governor is going to sign a bill to stop drivers from texting while driving then, there should be advertisement everywhere to let people know that texting while driving is illegal starting from January. If the legislature is going to ban texting while driving then they should also ban talking on the phone while driving since it can be a distraction too. If the legislature thinks it will stop people from dying each year , then they should also be ready for the stubborn citizens who will protest just for them to use their phones and even if the law is passed next year it will be hard for police to catch people using their phones to text while driving. The legislature should focus more on people who are intoxicated while driving than texting while driving.  

Monday, December 1, 2014

Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removing out a fetus before it begins to develop. abortion can be done in two ways by taking a pill or going to a clinic to remove the fetus. It is the "most common procedure done in the United States. In order to perform a abortion, an  individual has to be eighteen  or get parent  permission if they are under eighteen. Abortion can also lead to a mother's death if the proper procedure is not taken when  removing  the fetus or embryo.When removing of the fetus at a clinic, the unborn child  doesn't have a saying whether he  or she wants to be alive or not ; the mother makes all the decisions and what type of ways she wants the abortion to be done. The first amendment rights stated that, everyone has the freedom of speech to express themselves any kind of way so why can't an unborn child have the same right as the mother. Everyone should have a saying if  they want to be alive or dead. It shouldn't be based on the mother's decision. for instants, if our mother's had an abortion on us while they were a few weeks pregnant none of  us will be alive right now or doing what we are doing right now. Banning abortion for woman is the right thing to do although some women may argue that, it there body and they can do whatever they like to it. No one has the right to take other person's life whether it a doctor or mother only God can.