Sunday, September 21, 2014

 On September 20,2014, Senator Wendy Davis announced that she terminated two pregnancies for medical reasons and another legislator Dawnna Dukes reveal that she too has had an abortion in the past. Republican Molly White said, " women who have not had abortions don't have the same understanding about the effects of the procedure". Dawnna Dukes also criticized abortion regulations passed by the Republican legislature, saying the regulations about women's safety is false. Abortion law bans abortion after 20 weeks and it is also required by a doctor to perform it and the hospital has to be 30 miles away; the hospital has to also meet the standards to perform an abortion. I choose to read about this article because, it shows you  that not only the poor terminate pregnancies, but also people in power also have had an abortion for personal reasons although the topic is hard to talk about sometimes.

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